Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What I am Really mad about right now..

This site should be shut down! I need a phone number and address right now
33 minutes ago · ·

Monday, March 21, 2011


                  I fixed my blog back to its old self and gave up on the name change. I have so much going on this week I can't fool with it. I am more than freaking out because my son will be 1 friday and I don't have anything ready its just all sitting in bags on my dresser. So I am going to take a major break from Blogger-Etsy-FB and Twitter to do b-day stuff and update his room. Maybe I will have something to really blog about when I come back. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

New name old me

                   So today I was going to change my blog name layout and the whole shebang but blogger hates me so I switched my GossipMom url to my other blog and this one is temporally screwed. I will explain why I did it all in my official first post. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Giveaways and Fbook rant

          This week has just sucked. There are so many reasons why I can't even start to list them. One reason is that stupid social network. I started a fan page for my vinyl to post a few pictures and draw fans in. Well the low number of fans has made me insane! I have had a personal lamebook for years mostly to keep up with friends from school and family because I moved so far away. Once I had so many "friends" that I unfriended most of them because I didn't care to talk to them anyway. I never cared about numbers here or there. But I have noticed myself so sucked in to fan numbers I have even broken down over it. Maybe its because of the money I am losing in two giveaways that have only drawn in 2 people, I was so stupid to even put my stuff in them. Another thing that has beyond pissed me off is fam on facebook. I am not close with anyone in my fam but my dad and aunt. Therefore I don't do family at all. I recently deleted anyone who had ever made a stupid comment or sent me a pm about my status. Like really who takes that shit serious? I had an uncle bitch at my grandmother over a comment my aunt sent to me about the beach this summer and he doesn't even have a facebook! My husbands mother also found facebook this week. Lets just say I will not even accept my own mothers request and H said he is deleting his own fb. Its all a stupid mess over such a dumb page. I am thinking about just deleting both pages. I am too stressed for any of this mess. Thanks for reading my rant. I swear I am much sunnier over at GossipGalGifts

Friday, March 11, 2011

Free handbag...

I never to this kinda stuff but today I feel lucky... So click this link No More Rack and go like their Facebook
to find out how to get a free bag. Thanks!


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Too busy...

I currently am too busy to think but you can catch me over here this week! 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I think I have a problem...

               Not couponing has to be what it is like to stop a drug... I have been searching the house all over for a free diapers and wipes coupon knowing after I find it I will have to drive 20 miles to Winn-Dixie. Its driving me nuts though. I also made a CVS plan 6 times but I know I am not going. I think I may need to start smoking or something, that seems to waste a lot of time for people. I need to focus on all these half done crafts but every time I start on them I think of another project to do. I may have ADD but I swear I never had it before I had my last child.

                  Speaking of my ADD and the baby boy I have to get things ready for his birthday. I have been talking about it all year and have not gotten anything done. I sent an email to a park to have it there because having it at home will stress me out to the max. I don't have time to do all the cleaning and fixing that I would want done before my family showed up at my house. I feel kind of bad wasting money to rent a park and not having one at home because everyone else has had a birthday at home and this would be his first but I guess it would be okay to try something new. The park is really cute it's by the a lake and there is indoor pluming, that's a plus. So I may do the fish theme with the lake/river reference with his his middle name being Riverson and all. I like the idea of having a goldfish snacks and nautical looking decor. I also may be driving myself crazy talking about it and not doing it. I have to book that park Monday and get invitations out this week. So I better run off and make them. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I am in kind of a bad mood today. But here is a link to my sad lil etsy page bc I have nothing else to say.. GossipGalGifts